, pub-3998556743903564, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Okechukwu And Shalom Embraces Divine Union, Lifelong Commitment

Okechukwu And Shalom Embraces Divine Union, Lifelong Commitment

By Emeka Chiaghanam


Marriage is a legal union between a man and a woman, ordained by God, not by humans or any other entity. The concept of marriage is rooted in the Bible, which serves as the foundational source and guiding law where others draw from for a successful married life.

Pastor Emeka Ezenwa of Living Faith Church Worldwide (Winners Chapel International), Mbaukwu, Awka South LGA, made this statement at Living Faith Church Ezira, Orumba South LGA, during the holy matrimony of Mr. Okechukwu Josiah Okoli and Miss Shalom Chidiogo Azolike.

In his homily, titled, ‘Dominating Through Stable Marital And Family Life,’ Pastor Ezenwa described marriage as a lifelong commitment, an institution from which one never graduates. He explained that the Bible provides principles and laws that govern marriage. For a marriage to work, he stated, the wife should be submissive to the husband, and the husband should love the wife, according to the Bible.


He maintained that, according to divine purpose, God designed the wife to be a helper who meets the husband's needs, aiding him in fulfilling his role as the head of the family. She is meant to be a helpmeet, assisting the man in multiplying and achieving their shared purpose.

Advising the couple, he said, “Marriage is for companionship, for help, and for making life easier. It is for lifting each other up and ensuring you remain strong. Marriage is for multiplication, perpetual victory, coexistence, and for the production of godly offspring."

“For a successful married life, understanding is key. You should involve your spouse in what you are doing, be supportive of each other, engage in effective communication, and avoid keeping secrets, as anything hidden will not help the marriage. Additionally, always express love to each other,” he stated.

Pastor Ezenwa while declaring marriage to be good, honorable, and full of blessings urged singles not to marry out of desperation but to wait upon God, who will surely bless them with the desires of their hearts.


The groom, Mr. Okechukwu Josiah Okoli, expressed his joy and gratitude, saying, “I feel truly blessed. What I have been looking forward to has finally come to pass. I am super excited to be married to my amazing wife and trust God for a glorious home. From the pastor’s message, I learned the importance of loving my wife, taking responsibility, caring for her, and communicating effectively. With God's help, I will excel in these.”

The bride, now Mrs. Shalom Chidiogo Okoli, expressed her joy and gratitude. "I feel blessed and excited that the day I prayed and prepared for has finally come to pass. My prayer and expectation for this marriage are God's blessings, fruitfulness, peace, joy, and the fulfillment of His purpose in our lives."

Pastor Ezekiel Julius, the resident pastor of Living Faith Church Ezira, imparted his blessings upon the marriage, earnestly praying for God's continuous favour and prosperity to grace their lives. He invoked divine blessings to enrich their journey together, ensuring their union thrives under God's steadfast guidance and provision.


Pastor Miracle Nwakaeze, a Pastor of Living Faith Church Worldwide and an in-law, joyously conveyed his blessings. He prayed fervently for the couple's marriage to be grounded in God's principles, serving as a shining example to others. His heartfelt wishes were for their union to thrive in love, faith, and mutual respect, fostering a harmonious and enduring partnership under divine guidance.

Mrs. Ogechukwu Nwakaeze, the groom’s elder sister, expressed her happiness that the wedding had become a reality. She prayed for the couple to live in a happy union, with their paths continually blessed. She prayed for their marriage to progress from glory to glory, becoming an example for others to emulate. She also prayed that God would bless them with the fruit of the womb.




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