, pub-3998556743903564, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Nigeria's Democracy At A Critical Juncture: Facing The Brink Of Collapse

Nigeria's Democracy At A Critical Juncture: Facing The Brink Of Collapse

By Polycarp Onwubiko

Punch Editorial July 25, 2024 lamented that Nigeria is literally dead pertaining to Constitutional democracy, functional governance and "competitive federalism" it was known for in the First Republic with the 1963 Republican Constitution. Its leaders have sold their soul to the Devil as far as democracy is concerned.

After shamelessly corralling the beggarly supreme court judges who pretended not to know the inexorable principles of federal system of the pertaining to local administration deceptively turned into a tier of government by the military jackboots teleguided by the "Fulani Feudal Oligarchy" who believe that they would be dictating how Nigeria should be governed, has perfected deft strategy to establish "Local Government electoral commission" to be operated by the distant Abuja. How shameful indeed has this country's political leaders have turned out to be?

Titled "Perils of local government electoral Commission" the paper lamented as follows:

"NIGERIA’S brittle federalism is under a serious threat. After a dubious Supreme Court judgement granted financial autonomy to the 774 local governments, anti-federalist forces are at it again. This time, it comes in the form of a Bill in the Senate that has passed the first reading.

"Sponsored by the Chairman, Committee on Finance, Sani Musa (APC, Niger East), the ‘Local Government Independent Electoral Commission (Establishment) Bill, 2024’ is to establish a federal agency to conduct LG elections. This is preposterous. It is a power grab, another assault on federalism, without which Nigeria faces existential threats.

"Indeed, secondly, the NILGEC is anti-federalist; it advances the unitary form of government. In a country with over 250 ethnic nationalities, this is perilous. It undermines the crusade for restructuring.

"Nigerians are losing interest in democracy. Therefore, the National Assembly should discard the bill. Lawmakers should concentrate on reviving and deepening federalism. This is the way out of the country’s political woes".

My comment:

When some people said that “Nigeria has expired" some years ago, they were not taken seriously but with the passage of time it has dawned on everybody that the death knell for the country has rang clearly for everybody to listen or hear.

A Yoruba prophet, Ayodele had earlier warned Nigerians not to vote APC again going by the monumental atrocities and monstrosities cum disaster that marked president Buhari administration but the man of God was despised. What are we seeing today? Of course more horrendous atrocities are on the pipeline, according to a court Jester, "you never shee shometin".

Those who hinted that Tinubu allegedly entered into a "covenant" with the phalanx that stridently kicked against restructuring the lopsided Federation have vowed to retain the wobbling country to the Centralized contraption supposedly amending the constitution decreed by the military jackboots teleguided by the same phalanx who have nothing to do about Nigeria unity based on equity, fairness and justice.

In Federations the world over including Nigeria in the First Republic with the realistic principles of federal system of government, local administration was the sole concern of the Regional or State Governments. It was the same cunning military teleguided by the phalanx that created the ravaging monster called "Local Government Council as a third tier of government" contrary to all known practice in the Federations the world over.

In its bid to further the frontiers of Islamic Theocracy, it opened the borders in the north for the infiltration of terrorists masquerading as herdsmen from the Sahel region of West Africa for ethnic cleansing and territorial expansion to swell the population of Moslems in Nigeria in the name of the so-called "ECOWAS protocol free movement across West African countries" but only in Nigeria because one must procure passport and Visa before venturing into any country because SOVEREIGNTY is integral to security of a country.

Capturing the local government councils is one of the deft strategy to return the dreaded RUGA and other gimmickry which includes the recent supposed "Ministry of livestock development" where public funds will be used to fund private business which cattle rearing is at the expense and detriment of other ethnic nationalities who operate private businesses and purchase lands for the expansion of their businesses.

But for the Fulani Feudal Oligarchy, cattle business is only for them and their sense' of entitlement must continue to be factored into the annual budgetary provisions.

Sorry for Nigerians who think that president Tinubu will tolerate the nationwide clarion calls for the Restructuring of the lopsided Federation in addition to Decentralized security architecture, don't mind the gimmickry going on in the House of Representatives pertaining to the creation of State Police, it's all motion without movement, as it were.

In any case, Nigeria has to go back to the principles of federal system of government and two tiers of government viz: Federal Government and State governments: the issue of local government must be for the State Governments alone and consequently the local government councils created disproportionately by the military autocrats teleguided by the Fulani Feudal Oligarchy must be scrapped.

Guardian Newspaper Bows To Tinubu's Centralized Governance Despite Past Editorials On Restructuring

How the mighty has fallen: The Guardian newspaper which wrote over 64 Editorials on True Fiscal Federalism has retracted to support the so-called local government council’s autonomy and three tiers of government.

In its Editorial July 25, "Financial autonomy for local government: matters arising", the newspaper Editorial Board disappointed Nigerians for identifying itself with the Centralized political system which the Supreme Court judgment on local government councils autonomy represented. Shameful indeed for some Nigerian newspapers who are caught up by ethnic irredentism.


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