, pub-3998556743903564, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 95% Broken Engagements Caused By Premature Publicity On Social Media - Isong

95% Broken Engagements Caused By Premature Publicity On Social Media - Isong

Ab Isong, an Akwa Ibom pastor, has given an advice to intending couples to make sure they truly want to be together before publicly announcing their engagement.

The pastor who gave the advice in a Facebook post on Saturday, July 27, said 95% of broken engagements are caused by premature publicity on social media.

"Engagement should come after you are 200% sure of what you, your family and ancestors want. Before you say YES with teary eyes do all your research and discoveries,' he wrote.

"The rate at which you guys are calling off engagements and deleting pictures is not fair to us who commented.

"Do you know how difficult it is to spell CONGRATULATIONS?

“Take your engagements off social media if you can, because 95% of broken engagements are caused by premature publicity on social media.”

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