, pub-3998556743903564, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Daily Sun Editorial On Abolition Of State Independent Electoral Commission, SIEC, Brazenly Hypocritical

Daily Sun Editorial On Abolition Of State Independent Electoral Commission, SIEC, Brazenly Hypocritical

By Polycarp Onwubiko

It said: "The seeming lack of democracy at the council level, occasioned by lack of credible polls and the governors’ penchant to appoint caretaker committees in place of elected officials, has stifled democratic governance at the third tier of government across the country.

" The governors have literally negated the local government system by unduly controlling the federal allocations to the councils and dictating what happens in the local governments. The killing of democracy at the grassroots level has contributed to the general poverty and insecurity in the country".

Shameful indeed for an enlightened segment of the country cannot understand the simple principles of federal system of government as obtained the world over. Daily Sun Editorial Board should rather up the ante on pressurizing the APC-led federal government to restore realistic principles of federal system of government as was in the First Republic which realistically had TWO TIERS OF GOVERNMENT viz: Federal Government, and Regional Governments as obtained in countries that practice federal system of government.

Sorry for the Nigerian press Editorial Boards for the poor quality of their outings although they are not different from absolutely corrupt Nigerians who are of itching palm to collect millions of Naira from the transactional political leaders to write outright rubbish contrary to the tenets and norms of the principles guiding federal system of government the world over.

The Holy Book, the Bible admonished that you should first of all "remove the log in your eyes before telling your neighbour to remove the speck from his eyes". Meaning that the Daily Sun Editorial Board should first of all lambast the federal government on maintaining the "Federal-Unitary contraption" referred to as the 1999 Constitution imposed on the helpless Nigerians by the Caliphate Colonialists controlled Military Regime which suspended the realistic principles of federal system of government in the 1963 Republican Constitution. That Consider had TWO TIERS OF GOVERNMENT and NOT three tiers of government in the fundamentally fraudulent and fundamentally flawed 1999 Constitution supposedly under Amendments ostensibly to pander to the inanities and preferences of the "Northern Political Emirate" who believe that they would be dictating how Nigeria should be governed.

Until the 1963 Realistic Federal system of government is restored, the State Governors should be allowed to manage the local government councils as they like because Nigeria is shamelessly operating a pseudo federalism stubbornly maintained by the Caliphate Colonialists controlled APC-led federal government.

 Polycarp Onwubiko JP, a veteran journalist, author and public policy analyst writes from Awka, Anambra State.


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