, pub-3998556743903564, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Nkamigbo Celebrates Wisdom Blessed Model School's Victory As Best School In Anambra

Nkamigbo Celebrates Wisdom Blessed Model School's Victory As Best School In Anambra

In a momentous achievement, Hon. Ifeyinwa Elizabeth Nkamigbo, the founder and owner of Wisdom Blessed Model School, has proudly announced that her institution has been named the best school in the state.

In an exclusive interview, Hon. Nkamigbo expressed her immense gratitude for the accolades, acknowledging the divine support that guided her and the school's journey.

 “It has never been an easy battle, but God stood by us and made everything perfect,” she stated, emphasising the importance of faith throughout the process.

Hon. Nkamigbo extended her heartfelt thanks to Pechilly Investigative for recognizing her school’s merit in this competitive evaluation. She highlighted the crucial role that community support played, stating, “All thanks to everyone who voted for us.”


Ambassador Karen Chinyere James, the CEO of Pechilly Investigative Limited, echoed Hon. Nkamigbo's sentiments, attributing their success to a higher power. “It was never easy, but it was God all the way,” she noted.

Ambassador James also expressed her gratitude to partners like the World Peace Organization, the United Nations and orders for their unwavering support in making the award a reality.

As a practising investigative journalist and an ambassador for peace advocacy, she emphasised the role of collaboration in fostering educational excellence.

The recognition of Wisdom Blessed Model School not only highlights academic achievements but also underscores the importance of community participation and divine guidance in the pursuit of excellence.

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