, pub-3998556743903564, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Diddy’s Creepy Video On Locking Doors To Keep Women At Parties Resurfaces (Video)

Diddy’s Creepy Video On Locking Doors To Keep Women At Parties Resurfaces (Video)

A video of P Diddy talking about putting locks on doors to keep party guests in has resurfaced.

In 2002, Sean "Diddy" Combs appeared on Late Night with Conan O’Brien and discussed the bizarre topic with the show’s presenter. He offered Conan tips on how to host a "killer party" and the conversation turned eerily sinister.

Creepy video of Diddy discussing putting locks on doors to keep women at parties resurfaces

 Diddy said: "This is what you need to do. Beautiful women, of course. Beautiful men for the ladies, of course."

He then added "alcohol" and "water" to the list.

O’Brien quizzed him further about having water at his party and Combs offered a creepy explanation.

"I don’t know if you guys have noticed this, a lot of ladies drink water at parties. They just, you know, so if you don’t have what they need they’re gonna leave. Gotta keep them there. You need locks on the doors."

O’Brien followed the odd comment by saying that the conversation "is sounding kind of dangerous," to which Diddy replied: "It’s a little kinky."

The music mogul then continued listing his party tip checklist.

"You need a lot of heat. Don’t have no air conditioning. Heat affects the alcohol and you know, everybody also gets a little more comfortable and loose and builds up a nice little sweat," Combs explained.

Conan stated that the party "just sounds disgusting".

The viral clip has resurfaced after Diddy was recently arrested in New York and was placed on suicide watch after an indictment for sex trafficking, racketeering and transportation to engage in prostitution.



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