, pub-3998556743903564, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Soludo Must Hear This: 2-Bed Room Flat In Awka Cost N1 Million Per Annum

Soludo Must Hear This: 2-Bed Room Flat In Awka Cost N1 Million Per Annum

The Governor of Anambra state, Prof Chukwuma Soludo should please try his possible best, in spite of the limited funds in the state to establish Workers estate to save workers and pensioners from the ever escalating high cost of living accommodation within Awka capital territory.

It is unbelievable that the cost of 2-Bed room Flat is between, N900,000 to N1 million per annum, 3-Bed room Flat is almost N1.5 million per annum. It was unfortunate that only the late Governor CP Ezeife that placed premium on the establishment of workers Estate and other Estates for financial incapable people to purchase.

The Housing Corporation should be financially rejigged to commence massive housing program for workers and pensioners to save them from the ever escalating high cost of living accommodation. It is shocking that the cost of living accommodation in Onitsha is far cheaper than Awka hence many workers prefer to live in Onitsha and travel to Awka everyday which is a great stress on their lives.

Lands are surplus in neighbouring communities outside Awka and what is needed is road rehabilitation to those areas so that transporters will put their commercial vehicles to carry workers from those communities to Awka. The workers suffering has become unspeakable and unbeatable.

Polycarp Onwubiko JP, political analyst writes from Awka, Anambra


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