, pub-3998556743903564, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Messi Hopes Di María Ends International Career With Copa América Final Goal

Messi Hopes Di María Ends International Career With Copa América Final Goal

Lionel Messi, the captain of Argentina's national football team, expressed his hope that forward Ángel Di María will conclude his international career with a goal in this year’s Copa América final. The Albiceleste are set to face Colombia on Sunday.

Di María has announced his retirement from international football after a 15-year career representing his country. Messi hopes the 36-year-old will find the net once more, just as he did against Brazil to win the Copa América in 2021 and against France in the 2022 World Cup final.

“Who knows, maybe he’ll score another goal in the final like he did in all the previous ones he’s played in. It would be extraordinary,” Messi said in an interview with Direct TV Sports. “We always tell him that if everything goes well, we have playoff games coming up. Nevertheless, ‘Fideo’ [Di María] has made up his mind and there’s nothing that can change it.”

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