, pub-3998556743903564, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Why Wole Soyinka Isn’t Criticising Tinubu – Eedris Abdulkareem

Why Wole Soyinka Isn’t Criticising Tinubu – Eedris Abdulkareem

Eedris Abdulkareem, the controversial Nigerian singer, has accused Nobel laureate Wole Soyinka of refraining from criticizing President Bola Tinubu despite the country's hardships due to their personal relationship.

Abdulkareem lamented that Soyinka, known for his fierce criticisms of previous administrations, has been notably silent under the current leadership. Speaking to SRTV, Abdulkareem stated, "He [Wole Soyinka] has been very quiet lately. I know he has a good relationship with Tinubu so we know why."

Last year, Soyinka defended his silence on President Tinubu's administration by stating it was "too early" to assess, pledging to evaluate it after a year in office. Despite Tinubu's administration reaching its one-year mark recently, Soyinka has yet to fulfill his promise to critique the administration.

Soyinka, a prominent figure globally for his literary contributions and activism, has traditionally been vocal on governance and social justice issues in Nigeria. Abdulkareem's allegations underscore public expectations for Soyinka to address current governance issues, given his history of criticizing governmental actions.

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