, pub-3998556743903564, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 If We Say The Igbos Should Go And Become A Region, What Will Be The Fate Of Delta State? -Wale Olagun Lament

If We Say The Igbos Should Go And Become A Region, What Will Be The Fate Of Delta State? -Wale Olagun Lament

The Directorate of the Concerned Patriots of Nigeria (CNPDN) has of late been forefront of advocacy for the restructuring of the country. In a conversation with some journalists as reported by The Guardian, the President of the group, Wale Olagun has emphasized why the group is clamoring as to promote national restructuring where they will be a unity without any form of division.

He noted that if these system is practiced there would be development among tribes in the country. He suggested that the restructuring is the solution to the problem of corruption and tribal sentiments in the country which is making Nigerians to advocate for regional government.

He said, “If we say the Igbos should go and become a region, what will be the fate of Delta State? Even Lagos people will not agree to join a regional government. Some people are just talking about the regional system; it is because of the corruption and tribal sentiments in the country. You hear ‘we want to go, we want to go’ because one tribe dominates others.

However, when questioned to expressed his opinion on the issue of the creation of police, Wale stated that the idea of State policing will cause crisis as some governors might use the opportunity to abuse power in office. He also noted that restructuring can only exist if different tribes can dialogue and cooperate together. He pointed out greed to be the problem of politicians, adding that the poor masses have no to be controlled.



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