, pub-3998556743903564, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Outrage Erupts As Catholic Priest Claims Jesus Died With An Erection

Outrage Erupts As Catholic Priest Claims Jesus Died With An Erection


A Catholic priest in County Durham has caused widespread outrage after claiming that Jesus Christ died with an erection during his crucifixion. The controversial comment was made by Rev. Fr. Thomas McHale, 53, during a sermon at Our Blessed Lady Immaculate Church in Blackhill, Consett.

Parishioners were reportedly stunned and offended by the remark, which many described as vulgar and inappropriate. The backlash was swift, with members of the congregation lodging formal complaints to church authorities and calling for Fr. McHale's dismissal.

One parishioner, who wished to remain anonymous, told reporters, "He told people Jesus died with an erection. The church was shocked. There were young families there."

The Hexham & Newcastle Diocese, under which Fr. McHale serves, confirmed receiving and investigating the complaint. A spokesperson for the Diocese acknowledged that the priest did indeed make the comment.

Despite the confirmation of the incident, Fr. McHale continues to serve in his position. The controversy has also ignited a heated discussion online, with many expressing their dismay and debating the implications of the priest's statement.






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