, pub-3998556743903564, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Comment Policy

Comment Policy

Q: Do I need to create an account to comment on

A: Yes. You need to create a username and password and log into the site.


Q: Where is the log-in page?

A: It is in the header buttons (the very top of the page), but you will also be prompted when you try to post a comment


Q: Can I change my screen name?

A: Once you have registered, you cannot change your screen name. Every email address is associated with one screen name, but you can register a new screen name with another email account.


Q: What is  Heraldviews’s Comment Policy?

A: Heraldviews has House Rules for Community and Commenting. We are very particular about creating a respected and robust user community. We seek to promote knowledge above ignorance in a mutually beneficial and respectful manner. While we actively encourage readers to post comments on all articles, we do not take lightly the rules that need to be obeyed for such to be approved for publication.


Q: Could you be more specific?

A: Comments could be failed for publication if any of these rules is violated.

  • They are considered likely to provoke, attack or offend others
  • They promote ethnic hatred
  • They are sexist, sexually explicit, abusive or otherwise objectionable
  • They contain swear and offensive words
  • They encourage breaking the law or support unlawful activity, including breach of copyright, defamation and contempt of court
  • They advertise products or services for profit and/or include contact details such as telephone numbers and postal addresses, including email
  • They are seen to impersonate someone else
  • They are considered to be spam, repeatedly posting the same or similar messages
  • They are unrelated to the topic
  • They contain links to other sites


Q: Why can’t I see a comment that I posted a comment?

A: Your comment may be awaiting approval by the moderator or it has been failed for breaking the house rules.


Q: Can I be blocked from making comments on  Heraldviews?

A: Yes, if you consistently break the House Rules


Q: What can I do when I find a comment to have broken House Rules?

A: You can immediately flag the comment as abusive by pressing the Flag As Abusive link below the comment. We shall review and act accordingly.





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