, pub-3998556743903564, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Plateau Mindless Massacre, Usual Hypocritical Condemnation By The Federal Government

Plateau Mindless Massacre, Usual Hypocritical Condemnation By The Federal Government

By Polycarp Onwubiko

The massacre in the Plateau State by the usually pampered terrorists masquerading as herders, imported from the Sahel region of West Africa, is not different from the earlier slaughters. 

After each massacre and slaughter, the president (during the Buhari administration and now continued by Tinubu), there would be hypocritical shouting and condemnation of the horrendous serial heinous gambits, and it would die down. Who is fooling whom?

President Tinubu is unlikely primed to restructure the lopsided federation with a decentralized security architecture as the only pragmatic remedy to the intractable and pervasive insecurities because of the apparent 'covenant' with the overt sponsors of the ethnic cleansing to wipe out Christians in the South Kaduna and Middle Belt states of Nigeria. 

The phalanx stridently kicked against restructuring the lopsided federation with a decentralized security architecture as an integral part. Of course, they know their covert, fascist agenda, which is Islamization.

The terrorists' families have taken physical occupation of the ancestral homelands of the people and changed the names of the villages, while the surviving indigenous people are quartered in makeshift refugee resettlements and dying in droves, while the (past and) present occupant of Aso Rock looks away as if it is not a challenging security problem to be confronted headlong. 

Who is fooling whom? It is not enough to say "EMILOKAN" but to have the courage to confront the hegemonic caliphate hell-bent on the Islamization agenda.


Polycarp Onwubiko, Public Policy Analyst  

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